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Important Risk and Safety Information for Gebauer’s Pain Ease® and Gebauer’s Ethyl Chloride®:

Do not spray in eyes. Over spraying may cause frostbite. Freezing may alter skin pigmentation. Use caution when using product on persons with poor circulation. The thawing process may be painful and freezing may lower resistance to infection and delay healing. If skin irritation develops, discontinue use. CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner.

Gebauer’s Pain Ease Only:

Apply only to intact oral mucous membranes. Do not use on genital mucous membranes. Consult your pediatrician when using on children 4 years old and younger.


Published clinical trial results support the use in children 3 years of age and older. Ethyl chloride is FLAMMABLE and should never be used in the presence of an open flame or electrical cautery equipment. Use in a well-ventilated area. Intentional misuse by deliberately concentrating or inhaling the contents can be harmful or fatal. Do not spray in eyes. Over application of the product may lead to frostbite and/or altered skin pigmentation. Cutaneous sensitization may occur, but appears to be extremely rare. CAUTION: Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a licensed healthcare practitioner.

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How to Communicate with Pediatric Patients Before Surgery

By:Julianne Filion| On: April 12, 2016

communicate-with-pediatric-patients.jpgHospitals have a way of making children feel vulnerable and afraid, especially when their visit involves surgery. Any time a child requires surgery, parents understandably get emotional. Fear, worry, stress, anxiety—these are all powerful reactions to pediatric medical procedures that healthcare professionals must handle with compassion.

Instinctively, healthcare professionals focus on physical health first. But mental health is scientifically proven to have a significant impact on physical wellbeing, which means it must also be a medical priority. Pediatric patients are particularly difficult to care for in this realm because sometimes they struggle to express how they’re feeling or advocate for what they want or need.

在这里,出色的沟通成为护理的关键部分。在大多数情况下,外科手术的不确定性会放大儿科患者的情绪(因此是父母的情绪)。凭借正确的方法和沟通技巧,医疗保健专业人员可以帮助年轻的患者感到脆弱,而更多地包括在自己的治疗计划中。Follow these tips on how to communicate withpediatric patientsbefore surgery to make their hospital stay less traumatic.

1. Schedule a Pre-Op Tour




3. Provide Support & Resources

Give your patient and family plenty of time to ask questions. Keep in mind, the information you just divulged may be a lot to process all at once. Reassure them that all their questions will be answered, even the ones that come to mind later. If the procedure is particularly invasive and involves a lengthy recovery, other resources such as child life specialists and support groups may help them cope.

4. Be Reassuring


5. Smile and Offer Words of Encouragement

These aren’t just patients—they’re children. A warm smile, some words of encouragement and a joke or playful gesture will go a long way in making them feel more at ease in your care.

6. Follow Up

It’s not always easy to check back with a patient after they’ve left your care. It’s likely you are already on to the next case, and schedules have a way of filling up fast. But try to remember, just because a patient left your immediate care doesn’t mean they (and their family) don’t need your support. Check in with your patient before, during and after surgery. It shows you truly care about their wellbeing and willhelp to ease stress or anxietyonce surgery and recovery is under way.


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